The Effects of Marine Tourism Industry Job Characteristics on Organizational Performance and Turnover Intent
Tae-Seung Park,Kyung Hee Univ
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the job characteristics of marine tourism employees on organizational performance and turnover intent, in order to manage human resources more competitively in the marine tourism industry, and also provide fundamental data to establish a practical marketing strategy. The data of this study were processed using IBM SPSS 23.0 for analysis. The specific data processing methods were Frequency Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis, and Regression. The results are as follows. First, job importance, technological diversity, feedback, job identity, and autonomy have positive effects on job satisfaction among factors subject to job characteristics, and they positively influence organizational immersion. Second, feedback, job identity, and autonomy negatively affect turnover intent among factors subject to job characteristics. Third, among factors subject to job characteristics, job satisfaction and organizational immersion negatively affect turnover intent.
Marine tourism industry, Job characteristics, , Organizational performance, Turnover intent
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